Thursday, September 10, 2009

Drawing Dogs

I love to paint Mermaids, Orchids, Roosters and now Dogs!

I have been wanting to paint my beautiful Goldens for a while, but I have always been too busy painting other beautiful things. I just got some new flourescent paints in the mail and I could not resist.

I also could not resist fooling around with Picnik, hence the postage stamp look.

Love the Picnik collage effect! I think it looks like a before and after beauty shot.

My beautiful Moses...I just love this picture!

Moses is a one year old English Cream Golden Retriever.
From Daisy: I refused to comment on this post because it seems to be all about Moses. I think SHE likes him better because he fawns all over her and follows her step for step. I for one have a life and spend more time on more interesting endeavors like hunting lizards. I will on occassion watch her paint, but really I am enjoying the coolness of the floor of The Mermaid Shed.
Ciao !
Daisy Delilah (who was neither painted nor mentioned in this post)